Setup Google search console and analytics to fix indexing errors

Md Refat Molla
1 min readFeb 19, 2024


SEO services

Do you want to avoid your website playing hide and seek with potential customers on search engines? Say goodbye to the frustration and hello to skyrocketing visibility with my expert Google Search Console and Analytics setup, coupled with seamless indexing error resolution.

I specialize in resolving a range of critical errors that can hinder your website’s performance on search engines. I've got you covered from server errors (5xx) to redirect errors, blocked by robots.txt file, and soft 404 errors. No more worrying about pages being excluded by noindex tags or encountering 404 Not Found issues. With my expertise, I’ll tackle duplicate content problems, ensuring proper canonical tags and resolving crawled but not indexed pages.

But that’s not all. This gig isn’t just about fixing errors it’s about setting your website up for success. I’ll handle the setup of Google Search Console, ensuring it’s configured to provide you with actionable insights. Plus, I’ll create and submit XML sitemaps, optimizing your robots.txt file for efficient crawling by search engine bots.



Md Refat Molla

This is Refat. I’m a Professional SEO Expert with more than 4 years of expertise in the SEO field. I can enhance your online visibility and drive more traffic.